Friday, October 10, 2014

A grove of birch trees

I rescued this grove of birch trees a few years ago; they were completely overgrown with weeds so tall I couldn't even see the smaller trees. Since then, I have been transplanting all the lilies and irises from the garden to this birch grove. It is a wonderful transformation, and a tribute to my mother, Lillian, who loved birch trees because they reminded her of her own mother, who spoke so poetically about her beloved birch trees in Russia. 

When my mother was born, in Montana, her mother wanted to name her after the flowers that were growing outside the window and asked what they were called in English; someone told her they were lilies, so she named her Lillian. Later they learned that the flowers were really irises. 

In Greek mythology, Iris is the Messenger of the Gods. Now they are all together in my garden in Maine -- Lily, Iris and the beloved Birch trees.

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